Although golf doesn’t involve running or jumping, injuries do occur to the foot and ankle. Golfers should be aware of the following risks:

  • Heel pain (or plantar fasciitis) can be exacerbated by excessive walking on the golf course.
  • The golf swing can also place stress upon the feet and ankles. Common complaints are especially noted to the ball of the foot that pivots to help drive the golf club through the swing. The stress on the ball of the foot can cause capsulitis of the second toe, neuromas, and increased pain in the great toe joint (often hallux rigidus).

Early assessment and treatment can help stop mild injuries from progressing. At Aurora Foot and Ankle Clinic, Dr. Stanford helps patients get back to their sport quickly with tailored treatment plans.

That being said, prevention is always the best step in avoiding injury of the foot or ankle.

Prescription custom orthotics can help improve the foot’s range of motion and stability while walking the golf course. Many patients do not realize that custom orthotics can be fabricated specifically to fit all types of footwear, including gold shoes.

Click here to learn more about our custom orthotics.

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