Patients who have had symptoms of pain, swelling, loss of smooth motion at the joint, or even trouble when walking or being active, may benefit from this type of treatment. During the appointment, after careful examination, Dr. Stanford may recommend a joint injection as treatment. If the patient is diabetic or on certain types of medications, joint injections might not be recommended as a solution for joint discomfort.
Request an AppointmentWhat is a joint injection?
A joint injection is a procedure in which medication is injected into a joint. The purpose of this injection is to relieve pain and improve the function of the joint. The ankle, subtalar and metatarsophalangeal joints are the common joints for injections.
The injection is done under sterile conditions using a syringe and needle. A bandage is applied after the procedure and a follow up appointment is scheduled. The patient may be instructed to avoid or limit activity for a day or so after the injection. It is generally recommended that ice be applied once or twice per hour for 10 to 15 minutes for the first few hours after a joint injection.
Some of the injections offered at the clinic:
- Corticosteroid Injections
- Prolotherapy Injections
- Diagnostic Injections